Counting down OR Counting up? Part 1
Today, March 10 is ONE month minus TWO days till MY Platinum New Year.
It is not just me that gasps at this next number of “75”.. but almost everyone else who I know or even don’t know does not believe it as well ! I will be honest: I don’t know how I feel about it. I find myself thinking more about my parents, wondering how they would react. My father used to say every year, I made him older as well. My mother always had the positive attitude.. Age is ONLY a number ~ GO and enjoy your life.. make each day count.. I think for the next month minus TWO days, I am going to focus in that direction. 30 days. 30 days to celebrate ME.
In a sense, it’s a non-event (except to ME), an arbitrary mark on the calendar. But I feel I owe it to myself to stop and reflect on it a bit — what it feels like to have had this much life, to be at this age, and what a gift it has all been. Will I live the month differently? I don’t think so. I will keep dreaming and planning for things I want to accomplish or experience in the future… Engaging in depth with what interests me and attracts my curiosity… Being happy, enjoying laughter, sharing moments of joy with others. Dancing thru life. Writing. Thinking. Learning… Connecting with people of all ages and stations in life, reaching out to people I don’t know, making new friends…
Stay tuned for Part 2 to emerge on this blog.
ALWAYS have FUN! Embrace your inner child