One way to be Creative in '23
“23” in “23”
I came across a post today that totally spoke to me. Not being a fan of “RESOLUTIONS”… as they just do not work for me, I have been exploring the idea of “HABIT”… while exploring the works of ( Atomic Energy, by James Clear).
It seems like most every post relating to “reading” & “books” I have read during this first week in 2023 is directed to “HOW many” books will I read? HOW many have I already read? I am perplexed in my thinking WHO has ALL this down time to even accomplish these goals ? And, WHAT is the purpose of this goal? WHY am I even contemplating a contest as this? I LOVE to read… be it books, be it articles.. be it email lists I subscribe to. Some days it may be a serious, thoughtful mood I am in. Some days I feel frivolous in my selections.. some days “beach worthy, trashy grabs my attention & matches my mood. But, the important piece of these selections, is that I read.. EVERYDAY. But, I want to savor these stories, & find the time to reflect on their stories, maybe a message or two, quotes that I write down in a notebook. I do NOT want feel the need to check it off, & move on without stepping back before stepping forward.
“ I have lived a thousand lives & I have loved a thousand loves. I’ve walked on distant worlds & seen the end of times. Because I read. ~ G. Martin
Gretchen Rubin says that research shows “that when we set specific aims for ourselves , no surprise, we’re more likely to achieve them”.
My charge to YOU who are reading this is : Step back with an exercise that helps us think about changes we each might make. How might that look for YOUR happiness ? YOUR productivity? YOUR creativity?
For me, beginning this week I will start using the Number 23.
In the area of reading. Using “CREATIVITY” as a modality. I will read for 23 minutes every day in 2023 ! I could go on & on, but I am being very intentional in my topic, in my category of books for NOW.
WHAT creative ways using “ 23” can you add to mine?
HaPpY week #2 of 2023! BEGIN: